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Selection of work

Kokke designer is a specialist in designwork.

Olympiaplein Amsterdam

Commissioned by district Amsterdam Oud-Zuid, Kokke designs a 1...

a museum for the most beautiful place in the Netherlands

  The design for the Arnhem Museum from Krft...

Beekdal Lyceum Arnhem

The board of directors and the management of the...

Amaliaplein De Steeg

Amaliaplein De Steeg Design: Ruud-Jan Kokke In the framework...

Balustrade Eusebiuskerk Arnhem


TC Kruk, KOKKE House

Tc stool. Design Ruud-Jan Kokke 1990. TC stool is...


Client: Hans Verhoeven, Pompe Foundation Nijmegen Design: Ruud-Jan Kokke,...


Council Chamber, Commission Rooms and Citizen’s Hall. The City...

Jaakko Van ’t Spijker, architect Little C Rotterdam.

In the Little C project, Ruud Jan Kokke added an extra layer of authenticity and depth to the plan with his designs for the steelwork of the stairs, balconies and bridges. First he understood the concept of the plan and translated it into explicit yet fitting designs for the various steel components. Then, together with the steel builder and the contractor, he developed solutions that were practical and affordable. This combination, a strong conceptual intuition and a practical translation of that intuition to the making, I found characteristic for the cooperation with Ruud Jan. He succeeded in taking the project as a whole to a higher level. Last but not least, this happened in a very pleasant process because Ruud Jan with his amicable personality was a welcome addition to the design team of the project”.

Eveline Lock, projectmanager municipality Zeist about Orangerie Slot Zeist

Commissioned by the municipality of Zeist, Ruud-Jan Kokke made a design for the right wing of Het Slot. The interior was outdated, the routing not clear and the building cramped. Ruud-Jan’s first exploration was honest, confronting and therefore the perfect start for a follow-up. The final design that Ruud-Jan made in collaboration with the municipality, the operator and the cultural users was received enthusiastically. Intervening in a national monument is exciting and led to some discussions and headaches. But Ruud-Jan proved capable of holding on to his vision, thinking in terms of solutions and getting others on board. After completion, the historic character of the building is shown off to its best advantage. As if it has always been like that. Together with the chosen furnishings, the grandeur of Slot Zeist is back.

" "Responsibility difference, functionality gives ease of use, quality gives value." "